Tuesday, April 3

The wanderers return

Jim, George and I returned yesterday from what is euphemistically called the Winter training classes at precept International in Chattanooga.(http://www.precept.org/ )

It is difficult to see how it can be called a winter study programme when the lowest temperature we encountered was in the mid 70's F.

It was a good study on Daniel, now the problem comes on the application of being a man of integrity in the daily situation of home, work and church!

It was good also to remind ourselves that God's church is universal and we have brothers and sisters all over the world united in the bond of being part of His family.

It is now Tuesday afternoon and tiredness is still a problem - someone will have to invent a pill to make jet lag a thing of the past, or maybe it is just that I'm getting older and it just takes that bit longer for my body to catch up.

1 comment:

Lindsay & Lilian said...

Welcome back Baldy! I want to hear all about it.