Monday, March 24

What a difference a week makes.

Last Monday, St Patricks day, we enjoyed a sunny day with the warmth of the sun promising us brighter days ahead. Today, Easter Monday, a biting North wind blows bringing the occasional snow and sleet shower.

I took this picture of a gorse bush in full flower last week, it was a tree we always looked out for in the run up to Easter as we boiled our eggs in water infused with the flowers to give the eggs colour. On Easter Monday we were taken down to Tullymore forest Park and we rolled our eggs down the hill.

Tollymore Forest Park Homepage | Northern Ireland Forest Service

Oh the innocence of those days some 40+ years ago - today it's a competition to see who has the most chocolate eggs!

1 comment:

Ingrid Ormestad said...

I love your gorse bush. The cold wind isn't so biting when we can smile at the lovely spring shrubs and flowers in bloom at the moment. I was over at Loch Lomond yesterday and the wind was indeed biting with the snow on the mountains, but the sun was shining the daffodils were blooming and I had a lovely warm glow inside... :o)