Tuesday, December 26

Boxing day

So Christmas day is over and so is all the fervour at least for another 365 days-only the sales now to contend with. I was up at 5.45am to run my eldest son into work as he started at 7 am and the first train from Carrick to Belfast was at 9. It reminded me of the fact that last boxing day I was down at the harbour at 6 am. This was for the dive into the harbour for the Peru trip.

I ran my Mum up to see my Dad in the nursing home just after lunch that day, not knowing that by tea time I would get a phone call to say my Dad was gravely ill and wouldn't survive for long. It is strange thinking back, in one sense it seems long ago and yet the memories of it are like yesterday!

But for today-annual boxing day football match at 10.30am so I have to go and wake other son up and drive him down to the match. Pictures of Christmas and football match to follow.

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